Author: admin

Red wine skin rejuvenation kit

  The rich antioxidant polyphenols extracted from light luxury red wine can neutralize the harmful compound free radicals produced in the body's own oxidation reaction, and remove harmful substances that cause skin aging that cannot be washed away by daily cleansing. The red wine skin rejuvenation kit has unique anti-oxidation properties. Oxidation, anti-aging effects, scavenging free radicals, inhibiting...

VIKERO | 针头选对,效率翻倍

<32G通用九针> 在市场反馈中 不漏液 是普通针头难以比拟的优点节约液体 独特硅胶设计 防止使用中漏液现象的发生 让液体物尽其用 0.23mm针径 超大内径 能满足不同液体的注射需求 不...